The perfect and fixed blade knife for backpacking should be sharp enough to be able to cut through all sorts of things (branches, ropes, for slicing food, and others) especially when you are out in the wilderness. In addition, it should be versatile and durable enough given that the outdoor is full of random encounters whether good or bad. That said, it’s better to have quality backpacking gear at hand.
If you happen to search for a fixed blade knife for backpacking or any other gear and equipment, we have one piece of advice for you: never skimp on these products. Because investing in high-quality gear will ensure your chances of survival especially if you have a good quality fixed blade.
That said, what we have in here are some of the best fixed blade knives for backpacking and other outdoor activities in general. We curated these featured products based on our research and also from our experiences and useful recommendation by some experts we know. So, scroll down further and feel free to browse them each.
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Best Fixed Blade Knife For Backpacking — Our Top 7 Picks!
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[su_service title=”ESEE Fixed Blade Knife” icon=”icon: star” icon_color=”#2D3092″ size=”32″ class=””][/su_service]

Our best pick that comes second is the ESEE Fixed Blade Knife. If you want something that’s more versatile and designed with a full tang razor-sharp knife, then this is worth taking into consideration.
With such grace on the cheek blade all the way to the spine and the point of this combat knife, you can see how well designed is this that is built for modular deployment and for survival applications. This has amazing features as well that will surely make you invest in this one.
The ESEE fixed blade knife highlights gray linen Micarta scales with black finished a plain and simple cutting edge. This type of knife has a striking balance between versatility and overall quality.
Given that this is a light and perfect fit for any type of outdoor application and even in law enforcement uses. In addition, this is made from high-quality 1095 carbon steel.
With that kind of steel composition and overall design, you know you are getting a worthwhile knife that will definitely make an excellent companion in the wilderness and for hard uses.
This also has better corrosion resistance compared to stainless steel. You won’t have a problem keeping this over time, of course with regular maintenance and cleaning.
All in all, if you want something that will make sure it has excellent longevity, then go for this tactical knife. Although this is not a cheap blade but your investment in this high-quality knife is well worth it and guaranteed it will last a lifetime.
[su_service title=”Cold Steel SRK Fixed Blade Knife” icon=”icon: star” icon_color=”#2D3092″ size=”32″ class=””][/su_service]

The Cold Steel SRK Fixed Blade Knife is among the best blade we have for under 50 dollars. Yup, with its low price, you get to experience a military-grade and superb quality to the premium level.
Also, this particular knife is used by Navy SEALS during their training. The design is very well made in this one sleek and simple yet effective enough to make you survive in your backpack or camping activities.
Designed with simplicity but with much pragmatic use, this Cold Steel SRK will make sure it will suit on whatever circumstances you have while on your backpacking. Be it camping, and other survival activities you engage in.
It’s amazing that even though it is a low-priced fixed knife blade, this is one of the roughest and toughest knives every dollar you can have. When it comes to steel composition, this is made of carbon steel which is high quality. You can expect that this is corrosion resistant. In addition, this comes with a secure-ex sheath
This Cold Steel model has one of the best fixed blade knives. Designed for backpacking, camping, fishing, and other extreme outdoor activities. This knife has different options to choose from which are San Mai Steel, SK-5 Steel, SK-5 Steel compact version.
All in all, this is an amazing all arounder knife. Besides that, it’s only under 50 dollars yet it has an amazing performance, quality, and slicing power. This really is a bang for your buck.
[su_service title=”Ka-bar Straight Edge Fixed Blade Knife” icon=”icon: star” icon_color=”#2D3092″ size=”32″ class=””][/su_service]

Next on our list is the KA-BAR Straight Edge Fixed Blade Knife. If you are aware of the Ka-Bar knife, this is the updated and newer version but a smaller and shorter version.
This matches the effectiveness and lethality of the German knives of World War II. Perhaps, every marine knows about the original Ka-Bar. Also, this is so well made and it’s a perfect choice for outdoor activities especially for backpacking and outdoor survival.
Originally for marines, however, Ka-Bar has been introduced on the market for mass consumption, especially for outdoorsmen, survivalists, and hunters. Although the manufacturer still retains its features and its original quality.
This Ka-bar Straight Edge Fixed Blade Knife is crafted from 1095 Cro-Van high-carbon steel. One thing’s for sure why this opened for mass market is due to its simple design yet built for pragmatic use.
Also, what’s great about this is that this knife is easy to sharpen. In addition, the handguard has a perfect size which is great to keep yourself from slicing.
The handles are impressive because of how good to grip is. Like any other high-quality knife manufacturers, you can really expect something more than any regular tactical can offer.
All in all, we love this because of its classic appeal to it. Not only that, this still retains its original quality and durability. On top of that, this offers pragmatic use and it will get most of the job done.
[su_service title=”Morakniv Pathfinder Fixed Blade Knife” icon=”icon: star” icon_color=”#2D3092″ size=”32″ class=””][/su_service]

Morakniv Pathfinder Fixed Blade Knife is one of the best manufacturers of tactical knives and among the very well-respected knife brand as well.
Even some of our team members have tried this and are in complete awe of this knife.
This doesn’t have any gimmicks or add unnecessary fancy design. What this offers is simplicity and extreme usefulness which most outdoors folk are searching for when looking for a quality knife. Its overall performance and high-quality material will surely make you want to buy this.
Even in the materials used, this will never let you down. This is made of high-quality carbon steel and treated with a special formula that makes sure this will last longer and will become reliable when in time of need. Also, the spine is ground which can be used as a fire starter.
Moreover, this is compatible with MOLLE sheath. The knife handle is also worth noting. Although it’s just a simple black rubber grip, this is actually very durable much to our surprise.
The Scandi edge blade is so exquisite. As simple as it looks, this is over-engineered to make sure this will stand the test of time due to its durability and rigidity.
All in all, the Morakniv Pathfinder Fixed Blade Knife is something to have if you want simple yet powerful enough to make sure you will get the job done for most of your backpacking activities and even in survival situations. With its overall great performance and high-quality material, this is worth investing in.
[su_service title=”JEO-TEC Bushcraft Fixed Blade Knife” icon=”icon: star” icon_color=”#2D3092″ size=”32″ class=””][/su_service]

Another great product that includes on our list is the JEO-TEC Bushcraft Fixed Blade Knife. This particular knife is a stunner and really well made. Although from the looks of it, it looks like a simple knife. But this is really capable of many things and can be your reliable companion when you are out on the field.
Also, you can never go wrong with this brand because of its reputation of being among the premium knife manufacturer.
This particular knife blew us away due to its overall performance, sleek design, and premium quality materials used.
The JEO-TEC used a fine-grained BÖHLER N690 Cobalt which is considered high quality and among the toughest steel. This is also heavily treated as well. Moreover, with its excellent steel composition, this features corrosion resistance.
What’s more fascinating about this is the handle of the blade which is made of Cocobola wood. They are also known as premium quality wood. Also, let’s not forget the sheath of this which is also among the highest quality we have reviewed so far.
All in all, the JEO-TEC offers well-balanced performance and makes sure this has a premium quality feel even just by holding it. Together with the steel composition and the Cocobola wood handle, this makes your greatest companion for outdoor survival. This is among our personal favorite fixed blade knife for backpacking.
[su_service title=”SOG Instinct Boot Knife Fixed Blade Knife” icon=”icon: star” icon_color=”#2D3092″ size=”32″ class=””][/su_service]

Our last featured product in this is the Instinct Boot Knife by SOG. This may be last on our lists, but if you are searching for a small but terrible fixed blade knife, this is your go-to knife that is specially designed for outdoor survival.
Given that the SOG brand is among the best combat and military knife, you can be certain that this little fellow will do the job in most of your backpacking and other outdoor activities.
The Instinct Boot Knife of SOG has a flawless design which makes sure it will be pretty easy and convenient when using this. Not only it has a nice design, but this also has an impressive high-quality material that’s used to produce this.
This type of knife features a full tang and is made of sturdy satin polished stainless steel 5Cr15MoV material. As result, this knife becomes more reliable and more solid.
In addition, this fixed knife handle highlights textured G10 along with finger jimping and grooves which heightens the ergonomic grip and more importantly its blade control. This gives you the advantage to get maximum control when using this. This comes in two different sizes which are 4.8 inches and 5.9 inches.
All in all, if you like a small fixed blade knife, then we strongly recommend this little fella. This portrays what a survival knife should be, versatile, sharp, and has an ergonomic grip. Also, what’s fascinating about this is the affordable price point.
Fixed Blade Knife, Not Folding Knife — A Brief Comparison
If you are going to choose a knife that’s suited for survival and other extreme outdoor activities that involve going in the wilderness, it’s better to choose the fixed blade knife than have a folding knife. Because you will need the former in extreme survival situations.
In addition, it is more useful and durable compared to its folding knife counterparts. The fact that fixed blade knives will endure even if it’s rough abuse. On the other hand, folding knives’ weakness is their joints, particularly when used several times.
That said, if you are going to choose a backpacking knife, better choose the best knife that will not only make good use in cutting branches, twigs, bushes, foods, and others, but also for survival application. In short, you may want a knife that can be used in prying, thrusting, chopping, and other rigorous cutting.
That’s why we highly recommend using a fixed blade knife for backpacking and for survival applications. Because these knives are well made and the steel composition has good solid construction. Moreover, fixed blades have the advantage of the speed of deployment.
Whereas the folding knife blades need to properly unlock and lock first before you sue it or keep it. On that note, a fixed blade is a must-have knife for backpacking, camping, fishing, and others.
Determining the Best Fixed Blade Knife for Backpacking — Buying Guide
Every manufacturer will say they have the best fixed knife blade but it’s different when you determine what’s really best for you. Because you are going to consider some factors which will affect the selection process of buying your ideal outdoor tool.
Given that it will vary on what type of outdoor activity you are going to do whether is it camping, backpacking, trail hiking, fishing, to name a few.
With that in mind, you will need to consider some key factors to make sure you will have the best fixed blade knife for backpacking and other outdoor activities.
Also, if you still are undecided and don’t know how to look for your ideal knife, good thing we have listed some of those key factors. So you will have a well-suited knife and won’t end up regretting it after buying it.
The level of sturdiness or hardness of the steel in a blade will determine the overall knife’s strength and capability. This is one of the key factors to consider because this will affect the knife’s longevity and durability. There are other knives that have poor quality and the material used is too hard which will become brittle in the long run or too soft which makes it nimble and ineffective.
So, when looking for a quality knife, it should feature an HRC (Rockwell hardness scale) rating. This type of scale will measure the knife’s hardness or sturdiness. Basically, the higher the rating number, the better the steel construction is. Learn more about the HRC here.
Resistant to Corrosion
When you are going to buy a fixed blade knife, never forget to check if the item features corrosion resistance. This feature will dictate whether or not your blade will get easily rust especially in tough conditions. Those conditions include tree sap, saltwater, improper maintenance, and others. These factors will make the fixed blade rust regardless of how expensive can be.
Also, watch out for the knives that have a poor quality anti-corrosion coating. Usually, these knives are cheap so better stay away from those.
But the good thing is that blade manufacturing is innovative as never before and most materials. This ensures that the knife is able to survive in rusting and weathering from tough conditions. Those kinds of fixed blade knives are high quality just like what we have featured above.
That said, make sure to read the product description first. See if it highlights corrosion resistance because this is one of the most important factors to consider.
Wear Resistance
Another key factor to consider is wearing resistance. This refers to the blade’s life span. Basically, the easier the fixed blade knife wears, the shorter the life span. Determine if you are frequently using the knife or for occasional events only. This factor will affect on what kind of blade is ideal for you.
Although this can be among the most difficult factors to look at. Because only a few knives do have an excellent wear resistance quality and usually they belonged from the medium to high-end tier. So, you might want to increase your budget to get those premium knives.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the best fixed blade knife for backpacking will always boil down to your personal preference. However, we have provided some of the products that are worth considering to be deemed as “best” according to your preference. Also, we hope that you will find what you are looking for.
But if you don’t still have an idea on what to look for, you can refer to our buying guide section so you will know more about the suitable knife for you. After all, backpacking needs quality gear to ensure your safety and that your work will become efficient when having a good fixed blade knife.